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Student resource guide on how to avoid plagiarism.


Faculty Resources

Center for Faculty Development


The Fayetteville Technical Community College Center for Faculty Development (FTCC-CFD) supports the College by providing personal and professional support grounded in research-based practices, appropriate recommendations in faculty growth and development, and individualized instructional pathways to impact student success.

Books Available in the Collection

Make It Stick

Call Number: LB1060 .B768 2014

To most of us, learning something "the hard way" implies wasted time and effort. Good teaching, we believe, should be creatively tailored to the different learning styles of students and should use strategies that make learning easier. Make It Stick turns fashionable ideas like these on their head. Drawing on recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and other disciplines, the authors offer concrete techniques for becoming more productive learners.

The Checklist Manifesto

Call Number: RA399 .A1 G39 2010

In riveting stories, Atul Gawande reveals what checklists can do, what they can't, and how they could bring about striking improvements in a variety of fields, from medicine and disaster recovery to professions and businesses of all kinds.

Infusing Critical Thinking into Your Course

Call Number: LB2395.35 .N55 2021

Like a course or a workshop, this book proposes learning outcomes for the reader―promises of what the reader will be able to do after reading it. These include:
- explain what critical thinking is in simple terms;
- convincingly explain to students why it is important for them to learn critical thinking, and, if they tune out, what they stand to lose;
- overcome the challenges that teaching critical thinking presents; 

and many more!

Facilitating the Integration of Learning

Call Number: LB2343.4 .B37 2020

This book is addressed to a wide range of educators engaged with college student learning, from faculty to student affairs administrators, athletic coaches, internship supervisors, or anyone concerned with student development.

The Psychology of Effective Studying

Call Number: LB1060 .P46 2020

This book provides a vital guide for students to key study skills that are instrumental in success at university, covering time management, academic reading and note-taking, academic integrity, preparation of written assignments, teamwork and presentations.

Student-Centered Pedagogy and Course Transformation at Scale

Call Number: LB2331 .L474 2021

This book describes the development of Purdue’s IMPACT program (Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation), from its tentative beginning, when it struggled to recruit 35 faculty fellows, to the present, when 350 have been enrolled and the university has more applications than it can currently handle. Overall, more than 600 courses have been impacted, many of which have seen significantly reduced DFW rates.

Learning That Matters

Currently Processing; Not Yet Available

his "work" book provides research-informed approaches for creating learning experiences and developing innovative, intellectually-engaging courses. Whether a novice or a veteran, by engaging with the text, collaborating with colleagues, and reflecting on the important work of a teacher, any motivated educator can become a transformative educator.

The Learner-Centered Instructional Designer

Call Number: LB1028.38 .L39 2020

This is a practical handbook for established and aspiring instructional designers in higher education, readers who may also be identified by such professional titles as educational developer, instructional technologist, or online learning specialist.

Relationship-Rich Education

Call Number: LB2343.4 .F45 2020

In Relationship-Rich Education, Felten and Lambert demonstrate that for relationships to be central in undergraduate education, colleges and universities do not require immense resources, privileged students, or specially qualified faculty and staff. All students learn best in an environment characterized by high expectation and high support, and all faculty and staff can learn to teach and work in ways that enable relationship-based education.

99 Tips for Creating Simple and Sustainable Educational Videos

Call Number: LB1044.75 .C67 2020

Beginning by outlining the different types of videos you can create, and what the research says about their effectiveness, Karen Costa explains how they can be designed to reinforce learning, to align with and promote course outcomes, and to save you time across your courses.


Call Number: LB3060.37 .U55 2020

Based on rigorous and replicated research, this is the first book to show why and how faculty who wish to focus on learning, rather than sorting or judging, might proceed. It includes honest reflection on what makes ungrading challenging, and testimonials about what makes it transformative.

Advancing Online Teaching

Call Number: LB1044.87 .K468 2021

This book differs from other books on online teaching in that, in the process of offering guidance on course design and planning, developing outcomes and appropriate engaging activities, managing the workload and assessment, the authors pay explicit attention throughout to the distinct and diverse needs of students and offer effective strategies to accommodate them in a comprehensive and inclusive way by using the principles of Universal Design for Learning.

Small Teaching Online

Call Number: LB1028.5 .D322 2019

This book outlines practical and feasible applications of theoretical principles to help your online students learn. It includes current best practices around educational technologies, strategies to build community and collaboration, and minor changes you can make in your online teaching practice, small but impactful adjustments that result in significant learning gains.

The Online Teaching Survival Guide

Call Number: LB1044.87 .B64 2021

New and experienced online teachers alike will appreciate this book’s exploration of essential technologies, course management techniques, social presence, community building, discussion and questioning techniques, assessment, debriefing, and more. With more and more classes being offered online, this book provides a valuable resource for taking your course to the next level.

eBooks in the Collection (Gallery Box)

Geeky Pedagogy

Geeky Pedagogy is a funny, evidence-based, multidisciplinary, pragmatic, highly readable guide to the process of learning and relearning how to be an effective college teacher. It is the first college teaching guide that encourages faculty to embrace their inner nerd, inviting readers to view themselves and their teaching work in light of contemporary discourse that celebrates increasingly diverse geek culture and explores stereotypes about super-smart introverts.

Teaching about Race and Racism in the College Classroom

In this book, Cyndi Kernahan argues that you can be honest and unflinching in your teaching about racism while also providing a compassionate learning environment that allows for mistakes and avoids shaming students. She provides evidence for how learning works with respect to race and racism along with practical teaching strategies rooted in that evidence to help instructors feel more confident.

Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone

Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone is aimed at faculty members, faculty-service staff, disability support providers, student-service staff, campus leaders, and graduate students who want to strengthen the engagement, interaction, and performance of all college students. It includes resources for readers who want to become UDL experts and advocates: real-world case studies, active-learning techniques, UDL coaching skills, micro- and macro-level UDL-adoption guidance, and use-them-now resources.

Intentional Tech

Intentional Tech explores seven research-based principles for matching technology to pedagogy. Through stories of instructors who creatively and effectively use educational technology, author Derek Bruff approaches technology not by asking “How to?” but by posing a more fundamental question: “Why?”

The New Science of Learning

This breakthrough book builds the foundation every student needs, from freshman orientation to graduate school.The second edition of this bestselling student text has been considerably updated with the latest findings from cognitive science that further illuminate learning for students, and help them understand what's involved in retaining new information.

A Concise Guide to Teaching with Desirable Difficulties

This concise guidebook on desirable difficulties is designed to be a resource for academics who are interested in engaging students according to the findings of peer-reviewed literature and best practices but do not have the time to immerse themselves in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

What the Best College Teachers Do

What makes a great teacher great? Who are the professors students remember long after graduation? This book, the conclusion of a fifteen-year study of nearly one hundred college teachers in a wide variety of fields and universities, offers valuable answers for all educators.

The Spark of Learning

In friendly, readable prose, Sarah Rose Cavanagh argues that if you as an educator want to capture your students'attention, harness their working memory, bolster their long-term retention, and enhance their motivation, you should consider the emotional impact of your teaching style and course design.

How Humans Learn

Even on good days, teaching is a challenging profession. One way to make the job of college instructors easier, however, is to know more about the ways students learn. How Humans Learn aims to do just that by peering behind the curtain and surveying research in fields as diverse as developmental psychology, anthropology, and cognitive neuroscience for insight into the science behind learning.

General Databases

Created By

LibGuide created by Samara E Allen